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Maps of the cities of Spain

Netmaps, the company born on the Internet, has created urban maps of the 60 main metropolitan areas of Spain as a novel and interactive project on the Internet. The proposal, a mixture of digital art, maps, and the Internet, is visible from today on the website The maps on provide a different vision of the cities and allow internet users to articulate an interactive game about what they see and what others see. According to the company’s Internet manager, “this is the most innovative content on the Internet in recent months, with six months of effort from a team composed of geographers, designers, and computer scientists towards its definitive crystallization.”, in addition, starts as professionals of the territory that we are, from real maps of the cities of Spain, with specific digital treatment that allows discovering new visions of the areas. In short, it has been possible to create an effect of city night light, indicates the General Director of Netmaps. are a real exhibition of life on the Internet, differentiating and unique content of a new generation of images. The imagination of the work, the freedom of expression allowed to each of the internet users who wish to participate, the possibilities of exploring in the diverse visions manage to give life to each of the present cities. are also a simultaneous exhibition of digital art present on each computer in each country, with a particularity and an interactivity between the city and the web that participates in the new contents. “We believe that there are people who forget that digital contents are not only cutting-edge technology. It’s like the theory of the pig farmer and the sausage industry, it’s all well and good to have the latest technology to tie sausages, or to know how to cook it in 200 ways, but if no one takes care of and feeds the pig, the rest is useless, since there is nothing to work with,” adds the General Director of Netmaps.
Netmaps, the company born on the Internet, has created urban maps of the 60 main metropolitan areas of Spain as a novel and interactive project on the Internet. The proposal, a mixture of digital art, maps, and the Internet, is visible from today on the website The maps on provide a different vision of the cities and allow internet users to articulate an interactive game about what they see and what others see. According to the company’s Internet manager, “this is the most innovative content on the Internet in recent months, with six months of effort from a team composed of geographers, designers, and computer scientists towards its definitive crystallization.”, in addition, starts as professionals of the territory that we are, from real maps of the cities of Spain, with specific digital treatment that allows discovering new visions of the areas. In short, it has been possible to create an effect of city night light, indicates the General Director of Netmaps. are a real exhibition of life on the Internet, differentiating and unique content of a new generation of images. The imagination of the work, the freedom of expression allowed to each of the internet users who wish to participate, the possibilities of exploring in the diverse visions manage to give life to each of the present cities. are also a simultaneous exhibition of digital art present on each computer in each country, with a particularity and an interactivity between the city and the web that participates in the new contents. “We believe that there are people who forget that digital contents are not only cutting-edge technology. It’s like the theory of the pig farmer and the sausage industry, it’s all well and good to have the latest technology to tie sausages, or to know how to cook it in 200 ways, but if no one takes care of and feeds the pig, the rest is useless, since there is nothing to work with,” adds the General Director of Netmaps.