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Tender for the Guide Maps

Tender Maps Guides 1024 million X year. As part of the expansion policy of the Maps Guides ( throughout the various communities of Spain, Netmaps ( has proceeded to publish the first of the eight planned Tender Competitions. The first two Map Guide Tenders are planned for the communities of Madrid and the Balearic Islands, with a minimum bid value of 26,000,000 and 17,500,000 pts respectively; the total value of the Map Guides Tender for the whole of Spain in this year 2000 is 1,024,000,000 pts. According to the Terms and Conditions available at the Legal Department of the Netmaps Headquarters, the submission of bids, in a sealed envelope, will end on November 6, 2000. The Competition has been implemented to ensure the gross performance of the Map Guides due to the wide interest generated by the product in the various commercial and advertising networks in the country. To date, Map Guides has been very successful in Catalonia, being the sector leader, with almost 30 publications in less than a year, covering about 60% of the population between 5000 and 75,000 inhabitants; with over 1600 clients; all combined with an internet distribution that has resulted in nearly 1,000,000 visits, with a distribution of 180,000 copies in print, of which over 5000 copies have already been distributed for free, in more than 2000 locations in Spain, through requests via the internet.
Tender Maps Guides 1024 million X year. As part of the expansion policy of the Maps Guides ( throughout the various communities of Spain, Netmaps ( has proceeded to publish the first of the eight planned Tender Competitions. The first two Map Guide Tenders are planned for the communities of Madrid and the Balearic Islands, with a minimum bid value of 26,000,000 and 17,500,000 pts respectively; the total value of the Map Guides Tender for the whole of Spain in this year 2000 is 1,024,000,000 pts. According to the Terms and Conditions available at the Legal Department of the Netmaps Headquarters, the submission of bids, in a sealed envelope, will end on November 6, 2000. The Competition has been implemented to ensure the gross performance of the Map Guides due to the wide interest generated by the product in the various commercial and advertising networks in the country. To date, Map Guides has been very successful in Catalonia, being the sector leader, with almost 30 publications in less than a year, covering about 60% of the population between 5000 and 75,000 inhabitants; with over 1600 clients; all combined with an internet distribution that has resulted in nearly 1,000,000 visits, with a distribution of 180,000 copies in print, of which over 5000 copies have already been distributed for free, in more than 2000 locations in Spain, through requests via the internet.